I cant stand it

I cant stand it no more. I cant sleep at all anymore. Not even pills help me to sleep. This town, this flat is just full of so much negative energy and dont know what to do to get rid of it. It follows me, in my time awake, when I sleep, when I dream. Cant get rid of thoughts or clear them out of my head. Why, I just want to find peace. I go out on my daily runs and for what, to see every damn place that reminds me of failure in life. Why I ask my self sometimes, did I move down south in the first place. Even though I know that everything that has happened since then have made me a stronger person. But hey am I the only one that sometimes have the wish that some of the things youve experienced you could live without?

Well soon time for bed, again. And each day I go without sleep I stay up longer and longer just to avoid to lay down in it. Im looking at my bed and I just wish every night, please please let me sleep. I need it so bad. But I cant do nothing about it. I just need someone to hold me close at night. I need to feel loved and to share that beautiful thing with someone special. Well with time it will come I know and Im certainly not in a hurry from my last experience.


Postat av: Diva

men blogga nu nångång fransmannen

2009-05-18 @ 16:17:49
URL: http://divan76.blogspot.com/

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