Update update

So folks what has been hapening. Well here it comes.

Im feeling more and more at home here in Gothenburg and its a nice strange feeling to wake up in a new city every day. Today I felt so at home so when getting back from the city with the tram I fell asleep. I woke up to a little kid staring at me.

Well the days have been filled with me running around town finding cool new stores that dont exist in Jönköping and so on. It feels nice to explore on your own. My own little Azeroth, lol wow joke and you that dont get it ask someone that knows what I mean.

Ive begun to practise kickboxing again and it feels good. Well Im sore all over since i havent been doing kickboxing for a while, but it rocks. Its now that Ive understood how much Ive missed my practise. The feeling of being able to kick the pads with full force and just take every ounce of energy you have out of your body, to push your self to the limit of your abiltiy. Thats the shit right there.

Yeah been planning how to get my stuff here to our new flat. Me and my wonderfull and gorgeous girlfriend have been taking some trips to IKEA and selecting stuff we need, to make that special place out of our new home. I wont settle with just anything, I really want it to feel home and make it a nice home we both can be proud of. To set the right energies from the begning. Well we need some new wallpaper and need to paint one room to begnin with. We have allready planned out how to put every pice of furniture and so on. Im home, it really feels like it. Im home and in love. And Im with my wonderfull girfriend that cares about me every single second. I couldnt ask for more.

Well have to get ready since we going to a party tonight, and I need to fix my clothes.

Ill try to keep my blog updated more often.

// F

Archipelago and the sun

Its been a while since I wrote on my blog. A lot of things have happened and its time to write some of those things down.

Well as you all have been reading, Ive been looking forward to moving to Gothenburg. Well its happening now. Me and my wonderful girlfriend are moving in together and we got a contract to a flat. We are moving in in august. Its going to be the best moment in my life. Im really looking forward to start the rest of our lifes together. Its not everyday you feel this way and have the opportunity to be with one of the most gorgeous women on earth ;) Yeah I have to say it and Im not affraid of it either. It feels good to have met a girl that actually cares and that you can talk to about anything with, to have an intelligent conversation and to be able to reason as adults.

This weekend has been wonderful. We have been out in the archipelago in the house of my girlfriends parents. They have a great house on a little island. We had a blast and it was some gorgeous days. We spent time on the beach and both the water and the air was nice and warm. First time in ages I can take a nice swim in the ocean. We made a nice dinner and talked to her sisters. Also had a wonderful walk in nature reserve they have on the island, what a beautiful site. Well later on today I went on a run on the same path. It was peaceful and nice to be running in the woods, and after a turn be able to see and smell the ocean. 

Well tonight is my first day Im all alone in Gothenburg. Im in the flat she shares with her working mate, and she is on vaccation and my girlfriend is working. I miss her allready and wish she was here. Well we will have all the time in the world now when we move in together, and Im looking forward to it. This one is the real deal, im putting my heart and soul in this relationship. She is worth every second of it.

Well there is a little update and hope you have had the time to read it all. Now there is loads of things to figure out and how to move everything and so on. There isnt as much time as you can think, so every day goes to planing everything in detail.

Light be

// F

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