
"There is no time for that rain in my face
Im trying to find my place in this world
Its a constant struggle against wind and pain
But like a mindless machine I just keep going on
Im just want to find the cause to be that one the special
one in the life of another
I can´t be alone it hurts my soul it shatters within
I have only faith to trust to finally hold you in my arms one day.
A wish I make every night before I sleep
to hope lady faith will hear my call I fall asleep 
 dreamless and wishing you were by my side."

Ive just discoverd that life isnt easy to live, but you can take controll of it if you just want to. Ive done just that and found that life is more then just passion its about that special smile that feeling you get in the spring, when you fill your lungs with air. Life is wonderfull even though you exeprience a lot of unesassary pain, betraly and sorrow. You have to keep living through those things to get a better grasp of life, to become complete in your mission in life. Ive just done that again, and Ive also chosen to cut bad things out of my life. I have no place or space to keep people that have hurt me in my life. You were special, now you are just another person walking down the street...

// F

p.s E thank you for all your support and your loving heart that has given me so much d.s

Postat av: Diva

we all are big support to E for her influence in your life!!! Salut to E :D

from Franci Fan-Club. We are a hole bunch sharing on you HEJJAHEJJA!!

2009-04-27 @ 11:11:04

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