I realized...

... that life is never easy. You think you have the grasp of life when it hits you in the back of your head. Not the things that have made you angry or sad, just that the decisions you have to make for your own future aren´t that easy. To move or not to move, to move out of the country or just stay? It seems easy for many people, but I need a firm ground to stand on not that unsertain future many people like. Yes I sound like a bore but its just that I want sertain things in life, like family, a house or anything that you can build on. Im to old to play catch ;) well not really but almost.

Never  mind. Well today Im on my way back to sweden after a week of fun in Amsterdam. Gonna need the rest when I get back home, and some more money too. Gonna miss the people that Ive met here and the way you interact with others. So different so much more relaxed. The thing that I love here is that if you meat someone you get introduced by your friend, in Sweden that never happens, or almost never. Thats just good manners. Gonna miss the open way that people have here.

Oh and well the rest of my life is like a little chaos that Im trying to figure out. Well feelings here and there and just need a firm ground to stand on I guess. Well seems that Im not making any sence of what Im trying to say, so time to round of todays writing and try to be productive instead.

// F

I think of you every second.... not you but you ;)

Postat av: Diva

LOL! Like a brick then!?! Mannen - det ordnar sig! Du VET att det är skitsamma vad du väljer geografiskt då din grund du behöver måste komma inifrån DIG!! Och du har den redan killen - du har bara inte sett det än :D det är ju det som är det häftiga!!!!

GODS BLESS! för du vet ju vad de sa om The Cool Cat Jesus:

Han är med oss alla dagar!!


Pastor Syster Jennie af Hääägish Diva

PS: Stor kram Francoa hehehhehehe

2009-05-05 @ 15:14:49
URL: http://divan76.blogspot.com/

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