På svenska
Orkar inte skriva på engelska idag. Har för mycket i huvudet som jag vill få ut snabbt och enkelt och då blir det lättare att göra det på svenska. Jag har lite panik över hur jag ska få allt att fungera och flyta på smidigt. Tänker på den flytten som kommer ske i slutet av sommaren, till Göteborg. Antagningsbeskeden kommer i mitten av Juli och nästa vecka kommer jag lägga ut min lägenhet för att försöka hitta någon som kan tänka sig att byta lägenhet med mig från Göteborg. Får hoppas att det är några göteborgare som ska börja plugga här som behöver lägenhet. Är inte så sugen på ett andrahandskontrakt på ett halvår för att sedan bli tvungen att flytta igen.
Jag är verkligen så sugen på detta och jag drar i alla trådar jag kan för att göra saker möjliga. Är trött på att inte vara något och nu ska jag ta tag i mitt liv och börja om på nytt och få nya krafter för att klara av framtiden. Tur är att man har en flickvän som verkligen pushar mig att göra saker. Det känns skönt att veta att man alltid har en positiv fläkt bakom mig som blåser mig framåt. Ja lite konstig liknelse men var det bästa jag kunde komma på. Men i alla fall skönt att det är någon som faktiskt ser att man har potential och står bakom ens beslut. Detta är något som är viktigt för mig och jag vill och jag kommer stå bakom hennes beslut för att hon ska komma igång med sin karriär. Vem är jag att stå i vägen för någons drömmar, jag kommer bejaka dem och se till att hon får göra det hon vill. Självförverkligande är verkligen viktigt. Att inte få uppleva att göra drömmar till verklighet för att någon står i vägen måste vara bland det värsta som finns. Att göra ens partner lycklig på det sättet kommer tillbaka och blir givande i ett förhållande. Enligt mig i alla fall. Så du vet, så kommer jag alltid att stötta dig.
Nä nu ska jag sluta skriva innan jag irrar mig vilse i mina egna tankar. Så kanske dags att sova eller något. Säga godnatt till min fina kvinna med.
Jag är verkligen så sugen på detta och jag drar i alla trådar jag kan för att göra saker möjliga. Är trött på att inte vara något och nu ska jag ta tag i mitt liv och börja om på nytt och få nya krafter för att klara av framtiden. Tur är att man har en flickvän som verkligen pushar mig att göra saker. Det känns skönt att veta att man alltid har en positiv fläkt bakom mig som blåser mig framåt. Ja lite konstig liknelse men var det bästa jag kunde komma på. Men i alla fall skönt att det är någon som faktiskt ser att man har potential och står bakom ens beslut. Detta är något som är viktigt för mig och jag vill och jag kommer stå bakom hennes beslut för att hon ska komma igång med sin karriär. Vem är jag att stå i vägen för någons drömmar, jag kommer bejaka dem och se till att hon får göra det hon vill. Självförverkligande är verkligen viktigt. Att inte få uppleva att göra drömmar till verklighet för att någon står i vägen måste vara bland det värsta som finns. Att göra ens partner lycklig på det sättet kommer tillbaka och blir givande i ett förhållande. Enligt mig i alla fall. Så du vet, så kommer jag alltid att stötta dig.
Nä nu ska jag sluta skriva innan jag irrar mig vilse i mina egna tankar. Så kanske dags att sova eller något. Säga godnatt till min fina kvinna med.
Alicia Keys - No One
just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cuz
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down And my heart is hurting You will always be around This I know for certain You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry 'cuz Everything's going to be alright People keep talking they can say what they like But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel
I know some people search the world To find something like what we have I know people will try try to divide something so real So til the end of time I'm telling you there is no one
No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you
Te extraño, y te amo mucho mucho mi cariño.
No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down And my heart is hurting You will always be around This I know for certain You and me together Through the days and nights I don't worry 'cuz Everything's going to be alright People keep talking they can say what they like But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel
I know some people search the world To find something like what we have I know people will try try to divide something so real So til the end of time I'm telling you there is no one
No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one, no one, no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you Can get in the way of what I feel for you
Te extraño, y te amo mucho mucho mi cariño.
Beautiful days
Ive had the most wonderful days ever. My beautiful girlfriend has been here for a couple of days. Her sister had her birthday, and her sister lives here, so she came to see her. Well not only her but her entire family was here. So I got properly introduced and I was more then nervous to meat them all. It went well and it wasnt so bad as I had thought. Well as I have said before, family is very important to me and it wouldve been terrible if they didnt like me, and they did like me. I have a lot of respect for mothers and fathers, well everyone that matters to her. For ones it was nice to see a complete family, in a good way. To see them all laugh and just being a loving and caring family. All her sisters, her mother, father, grandmother and grandfather being there and all talking and having fun. I was amazed they way the welcomed me into their family.
Why is it so important? Well Ive seen to many friends and so on with broken familys. How it affects them and how it sets its traces. Someone that, drinks, unfaithfull fathers, mothers, someone that drinks or is abusive. How you struggle with those thoughts in life, all the questions, why? Answers they never are going to get. How it brakes down people, Ive seen it upclose to many times. It hurts me to see all that, and it also amazes me when I see a family like my girfriends. There is hope and there are allways people that care. When you want answers see to it that you get them no matter what. Dont end up with unanswered questions its not good for a humanbeing to go around wondering to much.
Im more in love then ever. Its so overwhelming that I cant belive it. This weekend Ive been pinching my self several times so I can understand that its for real. It almost feels like Ive been living a dream. I cant grasp it at all. I just find my self sitting, thinking if its real or just a dram that is to good to be true. Ive told my girlfriend several times that this past days. She did pinch me and said, well it is real you see. I just laughed. I feel blessed to have someone like this, that cares, wakes up every morning asking me how Im feeling. She sees the little things in me, like my knees hurt pretty bad since they have some kind of inlfammation. She sees when I rub them and allways asks if Im ok, if they hurt. When she does that I dont need to seek for attention or feel sorry for my self. She just cares and that makes me stronger and that makes me feel better too, and I dont even complaint over the pain I got. She is the best there is. I hope, I really hope it will be me and her for a very very very long time.
Well time to do some IRL stuff and to play with my new toy I got yesterday. I have to grasp reality and to see that its all true.
Why is it so important? Well Ive seen to many friends and so on with broken familys. How it affects them and how it sets its traces. Someone that, drinks, unfaithfull fathers, mothers, someone that drinks or is abusive. How you struggle with those thoughts in life, all the questions, why? Answers they never are going to get. How it brakes down people, Ive seen it upclose to many times. It hurts me to see all that, and it also amazes me when I see a family like my girfriends. There is hope and there are allways people that care. When you want answers see to it that you get them no matter what. Dont end up with unanswered questions its not good for a humanbeing to go around wondering to much.
Im more in love then ever. Its so overwhelming that I cant belive it. This weekend Ive been pinching my self several times so I can understand that its for real. It almost feels like Ive been living a dream. I cant grasp it at all. I just find my self sitting, thinking if its real or just a dram that is to good to be true. Ive told my girlfriend several times that this past days. She did pinch me and said, well it is real you see. I just laughed. I feel blessed to have someone like this, that cares, wakes up every morning asking me how Im feeling. She sees the little things in me, like my knees hurt pretty bad since they have some kind of inlfammation. She sees when I rub them and allways asks if Im ok, if they hurt. When she does that I dont need to seek for attention or feel sorry for my self. She just cares and that makes me stronger and that makes me feel better too, and I dont even complaint over the pain I got. She is the best there is. I hope, I really hope it will be me and her for a very very very long time.
Well time to do some IRL stuff and to play with my new toy I got yesterday. I have to grasp reality and to see that its all true.
My wonderful girlfriend is coming tomorrow. And Im so happy. We going to spend some wonderful days together and have a lot of fun. Cant wait untill shes here. She means the world to me.
Everything is taking shape now and my plans of moving are getting clearer in my head too. So now its not that much time left untill its time to get out of here. Bye bye Jönköping, Göteborg hello here I come.
Well thats all for today, or for now anyway.
Everything is taking shape now and my plans of moving are getting clearer in my head too. So now its not that much time left untill its time to get out of here. Bye bye Jönköping, Göteborg hello here I come.
Well thats all for today, or for now anyway.
Music, love, thoughts
Im about to start cleaning my flat. What better music to play then Salsa. I just love salsa, and well guess its in my blood as a latino. I love the rythm, the feeling I get when I listen to it. It makes me happy and when I listen to it I keep a constant smile on my face. I play it loud for everyone to hear. Salsa is for the people by the people. Its wonderful to dance, well the few steps that I can do. Yes Im no salsero. My sisters in Chile have promissed me to teach me to dance properly. Well when I get the money to be able to buy me a ticket to Chile, its expensive.
Chile the country I miss the country of my origin. I miss to have a big family. One of the things I can think of a lot. Everyone I know here in Sweden has a big family or have a lot of relatives. Family is an important thing in life for me. When nothing else is there you will allways have your family. And I got a big one in Chile, but thats over there not here. I miss to be able to have uncles, aunts and so on. Family to have fun with, to have big reunions and so on. Well someday I will be on my way to Chile to get to know them properly.
This is also a part of me thats Improtant, that I gladly share with you my sweet girl. I love my origin and I would love to take you there and to show you some of my history, that I also miss. You would love it. A big family, and they would ask you thousands of questions. The energy that people have, the way they act and how they talk to eachother. I know that your family is important to you, and I totally understand why. I wish I had more of them in Sweden sometimes, but at the same time I didnt. Im glad that not more of them had to run away from Pinochet and his regime. Im impressed that my mom and dad made their life in the way theyve done here in Sweden, that they came with no knowledge about the language or the culture and now they have a house, jobs and we have started our own family line here in Sweden.
Baby, I cant wait until thursday when you get here. I miss you as allways. You have such a great energy and the way it rubs of on me, its incredible. Its why Im so in love with you. I would never be bored by your side. You have allways loads of plans about things you want to do, places to see and countries to travle. Im ready to make that wonderful trip of life with you. YES I AM!!!
Well thats some of my daily thoughts, hope you took your time to read it all.
Light be with you all.
Chile the country I miss the country of my origin. I miss to have a big family. One of the things I can think of a lot. Everyone I know here in Sweden has a big family or have a lot of relatives. Family is an important thing in life for me. When nothing else is there you will allways have your family. And I got a big one in Chile, but thats over there not here. I miss to be able to have uncles, aunts and so on. Family to have fun with, to have big reunions and so on. Well someday I will be on my way to Chile to get to know them properly.
This is also a part of me thats Improtant, that I gladly share with you my sweet girl. I love my origin and I would love to take you there and to show you some of my history, that I also miss. You would love it. A big family, and they would ask you thousands of questions. The energy that people have, the way they act and how they talk to eachother. I know that your family is important to you, and I totally understand why. I wish I had more of them in Sweden sometimes, but at the same time I didnt. Im glad that not more of them had to run away from Pinochet and his regime. Im impressed that my mom and dad made their life in the way theyve done here in Sweden, that they came with no knowledge about the language or the culture and now they have a house, jobs and we have started our own family line here in Sweden.
Baby, I cant wait until thursday when you get here. I miss you as allways. You have such a great energy and the way it rubs of on me, its incredible. Its why Im so in love with you. I would never be bored by your side. You have allways loads of plans about things you want to do, places to see and countries to travle. Im ready to make that wonderful trip of life with you. YES I AM!!!
Well thats some of my daily thoughts, hope you took your time to read it all.
Light be with you all.
Late night
Well Ive had a wonderful weekend in Gothenburg with my sweet girl. She called me late on friday night and said she missed me terribly. So I told her I couldnt afford it, but then she said that she would pay for the trip I had to make. So I drove my car to Gothenburg in the middle of the night. Picked her up when she finnished her job at 4am. Lovely to see her again. I miss her every damn scond Im not with her.
Well on saturday we went to Liseberg, its a big amusementpark in Gothenburg. She met up with a friend and we had a blast. Went on some of the rides, and I finally got to go on Balder, well swedens largest rollercoaster. It was fast, fun and well I was a bit scared before we went on it. I havent been to thrilled about those rides before, but now its like, wow its bigger, its faster, I need to go and see if I like it or not. And I did. Im happy I did it with her too, and she addmited she was a bit scared too, since she is a bit affraid of hights. Well the day ended and it was kinda late, so we ended the evening at a piano bar. Was really nice. So she had a glas of Wine and I had a Mojito. So cool to sit in such a nice place and just listen to the guy on the piano, and me and her sitting there looking at eachother. It was just magic. I felt like a little kid in there with her infront of me.
Today she left for Copenhagen to meet up with some friends, cus they were going to celebrate that they all had done their exams and have finnished their training to become pilots, yes she is a pilot. How cool is that :D And Im proud to say it. My girl is a Pilot.
Well enough of that and I hope Im not boring you all to death, but this is the reality I live at the moment. Im, as I told you on thursday, on cloud nine. I cant help it, and I wont be ashamed of being happy either. Its like that in sweden, dont show to much feelings or dont be to happy, its something they call "jante lagen". Well I refuse to live by that and to many people in this country do. "Jante lagen" for you that dont know what it is, its a saying "dont think you are anything". Well I am anything and everything in my own world, and Im not affraid to show it and to talk about it. When someone asks you, how are you? And you say, oh im fine. I say, IM FUCKING HAPPY, SO HAPPY I could climb any wall, swim over any sea or just go base jumping right now. Ha ha ha. More about thoughts tomorrow, now Im to tired.
Light be with you.
p.s Kullerbyttor is good for your health ;) (internal joke) d.s
Well on saturday we went to Liseberg, its a big amusementpark in Gothenburg. She met up with a friend and we had a blast. Went on some of the rides, and I finally got to go on Balder, well swedens largest rollercoaster. It was fast, fun and well I was a bit scared before we went on it. I havent been to thrilled about those rides before, but now its like, wow its bigger, its faster, I need to go and see if I like it or not. And I did. Im happy I did it with her too, and she addmited she was a bit scared too, since she is a bit affraid of hights. Well the day ended and it was kinda late, so we ended the evening at a piano bar. Was really nice. So she had a glas of Wine and I had a Mojito. So cool to sit in such a nice place and just listen to the guy on the piano, and me and her sitting there looking at eachother. It was just magic. I felt like a little kid in there with her infront of me.
Today she left for Copenhagen to meet up with some friends, cus they were going to celebrate that they all had done their exams and have finnished their training to become pilots, yes she is a pilot. How cool is that :D And Im proud to say it. My girl is a Pilot.
Well enough of that and I hope Im not boring you all to death, but this is the reality I live at the moment. Im, as I told you on thursday, on cloud nine. I cant help it, and I wont be ashamed of being happy either. Its like that in sweden, dont show to much feelings or dont be to happy, its something they call "jante lagen". Well I refuse to live by that and to many people in this country do. "Jante lagen" for you that dont know what it is, its a saying "dont think you are anything". Well I am anything and everything in my own world, and Im not affraid to show it and to talk about it. When someone asks you, how are you? And you say, oh im fine. I say, IM FUCKING HAPPY, SO HAPPY I could climb any wall, swim over any sea or just go base jumping right now. Ha ha ha. More about thoughts tomorrow, now Im to tired.
Light be with you.
p.s Kullerbyttor is good for your health ;) (internal joke) d.s
Im just...
... on cloud nine. She calls me when she ends her shift, wakes me up in the morning at 4am. It doesnt matter if she does because its her voice I hear in the other end. A voice that makes me smile each times she speaks to me, or when she laughs or just gives me that smile she has. I love her laugh and the way she looks at me.
Today I went to IKEA bought me some batteries and then I also bought me a late whisk, if thats the name of the tool. Hey and I bought it just for you baby. So when you are here you can have your morning late. So now you will have the coffe just the way you want.
Oh got a add from one of our electronics store here in Jönköping, SIBA, and on thursday next week they will have 20% of on everything for those how have their credit card, so I just might get me an XBOX 360 and GH Metallica. Everyone is playing it and its one of those games that I love, and its so relaxing. It is even better that its Metallica, one of my first farvorite bands, EVER. To play along to Master of Puppets or Ride the lightning, im looking forward to it. Just have to check out how much its gonna cost me. Or ill might buy me a flatscreen. I cant afford it, but you can allways dream you can.
Well time for me to do more laundry and then to relax infront of a good movie, and wait for my wonderful girl to call me.
May the light be with you all.
Baby, yes its cheesy but, this song is you :D

Just wanted to show the pic. My friend Emily wanted a tattoo of her sign, Gemini. So I made her a quick drawing of what I thought would look good. So today she got it tattooed on her wrist. How cool is that. So now Ive marked her for life. But well its an honor to be choosen like that. Its not like a henna tattoo. Its for real and there it is.
This is...
... funny so check it out
Im just wondering about the swedish politics. I was reading a blog made by a friend of mine, thats in the swedish parlament. It amazes me that people cant keep comments clean and to be able to keep a nice debate. If you are in a sertain way you get accused and called a lot of names. They just keep it at a low level of maturity. But after have been into politics for 15 years I understand now why I got enough of it. I rather be a regular citizen and speak my mind then to be involved and take all that crap that he has to take.
Well today Im just having an off day. I need to clean but I cant get up and do it. I hate it. Gah well I just have to get my lazy butt up and do it after Ive bloged.
Also to say is that i got my own twitter. Yeah everyone got one so now I got one too. Its a good way to just type little things, but its not that good as a blog. Bloging is a better way to express things to speak your mind. So there i update my life when I feel like it, though its in swedish.
I have to say you just have to read my friends blog DIVA, its in swedish though so for you that dont speak it, sorry. But to read her blog makes me think about loads of things. She has a great mind and she really can explain her thoughts.
Dont forget to visit my other blog links like my old old ooooold friend Mirlinda, also in swedish but a woman with some great thoughts aswell. She has givien me so much light in life and she is like a distant sister to me.
Last but not least we have my very speical friend Emily, she is the one that has helped me a lot through my most difficult times in life the past months. This blog is in english so its for all of you. But though she has to work on her updates. So if you read this. Get bloging you lazy bum ;)
What else, yeah I miss my girl terribly. I just want to be with her. But soon we will be together again. For a long time. It feels so nice and cant express my feelings enough.
My nieces birthday on sunday. Wont make it because I dont have the money to travel up to Luleå. Though Im sending her a little gift. Coming on the mail, and hopefully they will get it tomorrow so they will have it for her birthday.
Now cleaning, laundry and every other "fun" thing that you can do in your flat.
By the way. Today its Bob Marley day.
// F
Well today Im just having an off day. I need to clean but I cant get up and do it. I hate it. Gah well I just have to get my lazy butt up and do it after Ive bloged.
Also to say is that i got my own twitter. Yeah everyone got one so now I got one too. Its a good way to just type little things, but its not that good as a blog. Bloging is a better way to express things to speak your mind. So there i update my life when I feel like it, though its in swedish.
I have to say you just have to read my friends blog DIVA, its in swedish though so for you that dont speak it, sorry. But to read her blog makes me think about loads of things. She has a great mind and she really can explain her thoughts.
Dont forget to visit my other blog links like my old old ooooold friend Mirlinda, also in swedish but a woman with some great thoughts aswell. She has givien me so much light in life and she is like a distant sister to me.
Last but not least we have my very speical friend Emily, she is the one that has helped me a lot through my most difficult times in life the past months. This blog is in english so its for all of you. But though she has to work on her updates. So if you read this. Get bloging you lazy bum ;)
What else, yeah I miss my girl terribly. I just want to be with her. But soon we will be together again. For a long time. It feels so nice and cant express my feelings enough.
My nieces birthday on sunday. Wont make it because I dont have the money to travel up to Luleå. Though Im sending her a little gift. Coming on the mail, and hopefully they will get it tomorrow so they will have it for her birthday.
Now cleaning, laundry and every other "fun" thing that you can do in your flat.
By the way. Today its Bob Marley day.
// F
Active day
Well today Its been an active day. Done lots of stuff that I dont really like. Ive applied to several jobs in Gothenburg, called the unemployments office to tell them what Im doing, and had a good chat with a lady that was from Norraland just like me. Now Ive just finnished to do the dishes and then going to do some laundry.
I miss her so much today Im literary climbing the walls. Dont know what to do and I just want to see her and hug her so tight. Well one week and then we will have a long weekend together. Will make some special plans for those days. Going to be so nice.
Its not that far from our little gaming nerd meet, outside Birmingham either. Its going to be some crazy fun. Its allways fun to see new people, specially when its people you play with online. Yes Im a gaming nerd, so what. Well they are actually all adults not 15 yo kids. So a few pints, some drinks and then I guess a lot of loud talking and just having fun. Looking forward to it a lot.
So what thoughts do I have besides just talking a lot about the regular life. Im thinking about my future. Im thinking about how to make it possible to move to Gothenburg and hoping that I will get a flat over there. Its not easy and I just want it to happen now. Im so fed up to wake up in this town. The fun part is that Ive had a lot of fun with a couple of friends lately. So it has been oki. Still I cant wait for the days in Jönköping to end. Its going to be great to move.
// F
I miss her so much today Im literary climbing the walls. Dont know what to do and I just want to see her and hug her so tight. Well one week and then we will have a long weekend together. Will make some special plans for those days. Going to be so nice.
Its not that far from our little gaming nerd meet, outside Birmingham either. Its going to be some crazy fun. Its allways fun to see new people, specially when its people you play with online. Yes Im a gaming nerd, so what. Well they are actually all adults not 15 yo kids. So a few pints, some drinks and then I guess a lot of loud talking and just having fun. Looking forward to it a lot.
So what thoughts do I have besides just talking a lot about the regular life. Im thinking about my future. Im thinking about how to make it possible to move to Gothenburg and hoping that I will get a flat over there. Its not easy and I just want it to happen now. Im so fed up to wake up in this town. The fun part is that Ive had a lot of fun with a couple of friends lately. So it has been oki. Still I cant wait for the days in Jönköping to end. Its going to be great to move.
// F
Teardrop - Massive Attack
(love)love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Feathers on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me makes me lighter
Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath
In the night of matter Black flowers blossom Feathers on my breath Black flowers blossom Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath
Water is my eye Most faithful my love Feathers on my breath Teardrop on the fire of a confession Feathers on my breath Most faithful my love Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath
In the night of matter Black flowers blossom Feathers on my breath Black flowers blossom Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath
Water is my eye Most faithful my love Feathers on my breath Teardrop on the fire of a confession Feathers on my breath Most faithful my love Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath
Yeah Ive read all that Ive written in my blog. Im suuuuuuch a drama queen. Haha. But I just have to tell you all, that its just thoughts and how you can feel sometimes. My blog is a way to let those things out and to get them out of my chest. Its not that Im living the drama every day. I thought I had to clarify that. Im not an EMO person in that way. Sure I think a lot and I dont have any problems expressing my feelings in writing. Its relaxing and its just nice to be able to write it down and get it out of your system.
Today Im just going to take it easy, since my back hurts from yesterday. Though Im thinking about going out for a run, but then my knees are messed up. But I dont care, so a run later on. Two days that Ive just had fun and been with friends.
I miss my girl very much, but to miss someone can be a positive thing. Then you know they mean something and you arent just hanging on for the sake of it. I think of her all day long, and as I said yesterday I talk about her all the time. Yes I know I talk about her a lot here too. But I have to oki, so dont be mad at me;)
Im thinking about my family a lot too and I miss them. My niece has her first birthday coming up on sunday. I love her that little cute thing. She is the most beautiful baby girl Ive seen. Yeah you dont stand a chance against her ;) She has a very strong will and she know what she wants. Me and my brother have talked a bit of when she gets older, and she isnt going to get it easy when she starts to date. I tell you, when that day comes it has to be someone pretty special or they will get the boot out of the house. Hahaha.
Time to do something productive, like reading.
Today Im just going to take it easy, since my back hurts from yesterday. Though Im thinking about going out for a run, but then my knees are messed up. But I dont care, so a run later on. Two days that Ive just had fun and been with friends.
I miss my girl very much, but to miss someone can be a positive thing. Then you know they mean something and you arent just hanging on for the sake of it. I think of her all day long, and as I said yesterday I talk about her all the time. Yes I know I talk about her a lot here too. But I have to oki, so dont be mad at me;)
Im thinking about my family a lot too and I miss them. My niece has her first birthday coming up on sunday. I love her that little cute thing. She is the most beautiful baby girl Ive seen. Yeah you dont stand a chance against her ;) She has a very strong will and she know what she wants. Me and my brother have talked a bit of when she gets older, and she isnt going to get it easy when she starts to date. I tell you, when that day comes it has to be someone pretty special or they will get the boot out of the house. Hahaha.
Time to do something productive, like reading.
Wonderful day
Slept good, so good I had problems to get up today. I can sleep again, finally. Ive been out all day from 11.30 untill now 16.30. Was at the beach with my friend. I talked about my girlfriend a lot and had to ask her if she got fed up with listening to me rambling on and on about her. But she thought it was kind of cute. Then we took our first swim in our big lake, Vättern. It was stupidly cold and I dont understand why I even got into the water, but I did.
So all day has just been about relaxing. It has been so nice, we ended the day with a sallad at one of our cafes here in Jönköping. So now im in my little flat happy that it turned out to be a great day. Though I burned my back today in the sun, stupid me. Its gonna hurt like mad when I go to bed tonight.
I miss my girl a lot and I smile eatch time she texts me or calls me. I just feel its right and that its one of the reasons I can be and feel so happy. She is very special to me and I just wish I could be with her every day.
Then I just had another thought about all the crap the other day. Still cant understand what was so important to contact me on my damn blog. I know who it was, was my ex new boyfriend!!! and my damn ex couldnt even tell him to stop. What do they have to do with my life now, nothing and they have never had anything to do with it. So just some simple advice, get over it that Ive ever existed and please try to live your own lifes and let me live mine.
So with those words Im going to leave things behind me. My new girlfriend knows about the drama on my blog so I dont have anything to hide, she knows what has happened.
May the light follow you all.
So all day has just been about relaxing. It has been so nice, we ended the day with a sallad at one of our cafes here in Jönköping. So now im in my little flat happy that it turned out to be a great day. Though I burned my back today in the sun, stupid me. Its gonna hurt like mad when I go to bed tonight.
I miss my girl a lot and I smile eatch time she texts me or calls me. I just feel its right and that its one of the reasons I can be and feel so happy. She is very special to me and I just wish I could be with her every day.
Then I just had another thought about all the crap the other day. Still cant understand what was so important to contact me on my damn blog. I know who it was, was my ex new boyfriend!!! and my damn ex couldnt even tell him to stop. What do they have to do with my life now, nothing and they have never had anything to do with it. So just some simple advice, get over it that Ive ever existed and please try to live your own lifes and let me live mine.
So with those words Im going to leave things behind me. My new girlfriend knows about the drama on my blog so I dont have anything to hide, she knows what has happened.
May the light follow you all.